Enjoy Lloret’s commercial establishments, where you will find the variety of products and the attention you deserve.

Lloret de Mar’s trade, with a thousand commercial establishments, represents the second economic engine of the population. Lloret’s commercial offer is wide and diverse, and you can find all kinds of articles and products.

You are interested to know that Lloret’s shops can open every day of the year, including Sundays.

Throughout the year there are activities and trade fairs such as Lloret Night Shopping, an authentic festival of commerce with shops open until dawn, fashion shows, live music, performances and the best fashion atmosphere, the Medieval Fair is also held among others.

We also recommend visiting the weekly market on Tuesdays that is made in the Rieral, on your tour you will find all kinds of stops with traditional products, clothing, food, etc.

And you can also go to the Municipal Market where you can find fresh products and a varied selection of the most typical local products of our gastronomy.


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    © Lloret Turisme - Lloret Futur S.A. - Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar. Av. Alegries, 3. · 17310 Lloret de Mar · Tel. + 34 972 365 788 · central-turisme@lloret.cat
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