In Lloret, you can enjoy tailor-made holidays with that special person. You’ll find what you’re looking for here, whether it’s a tranquil environment with adults-only accommodation and fantastic spas, or a stay full of non-stop action with activities of all kinds to suit your needs.
If you’re an adventurous soul, how about taking a kayak out for a spin or some snorkelling? However, if you’re also looking for a bit of downtime, you can take a relaxed stroll along the coastal trail or enjoy an afternoon of shopping. The sheer variety on offer here in Lloret puts our town in the perfect position to adapt your needs.
Looking after yourself might also be your goal on your holiday. Don’t miss out on our unparalleled healthy eating and enjoy the Costa Brava’s Mediterranean cuisine.
In Lloret de Mar, you can also enjoy our culture and architectural heritage, born from our historic ‘Indiano’ legacy. Sites such as Can Font or the Santa Clotilde Gardens will leave you amazed!