Over the last three years, Lloret de Mar has promoted several civic awareness campaigns with the slogan “Con respeto, en Lloret cabemos todos” (“Respect makes room for all of us in Lloret”).


These campaigns aim to strengthen and improve the relationship between residents and tourists and involve them in a common project. Respect and harmonious coexistence are encouraged in a positive and lighthearted way, meaning everyone can actively participate.


These campaigns concern topics such as coexistence, noise levels and recycling.

Posa’t la samarreta (Put on the shirt) – 2017 campaign

A reminder to tourists to remember to put their t-shirts back on when they leave the beach.


Enjoy the silence, Make peace not noise or Love your ears – 2018 campaign

Encourages people to lower noise levels, especially at night, in order to ensure everyone gets along.


No tractis Lloret com un residu (Don’t treat Lloret like a dump) Ajuda’ns a mantenir-lo més net i fer-lo sostenible (Help us keep it clean and sustainable) – 2019 campaign

Seeks to actively involve visitors and residents in taking care of the environment and the responsible disposal of litter and waste.


There’s always room for everyone in Lloret!


5 routes from Lloret de Mar to discover our territory

Lloret Hub


© Lloret Turisme - Lloret Futur S.A. - Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar. Av. Alegries, 3. · 17310 Lloret de Mar · Tel. + 34 972 365 788 · central-turisme@lloret.cat
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