In compliance with Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and E-commerce and the Guide to the use of Cookies of the AEPD, we inform you that this website uses cookies.

1) What are cookies?
Cookies are files that are installed on the website of the browser or devices (smartphones, tablet) of the user during their journey through the pages of the website and serve to store information about your visit.
Cookies are used to:
– Ensure that web pages can function correctly.
– To store preferences, such as language or font size.
– To know the user’s browsing experience.
– Collect anonymous statistical information, such as which pages the user has visited or how long the user has been on the website.
The use of Cookies allows to optimize navigation, giving the information and services offered to the interests of users, by providing a better experience whenever you visit the website.

2) Cookies we use
Our website uses cookies of the following types:
– Technical Cookies
Purpose: Own and third-party cookies necessary for the use of the website and to continuously improve the service, allowing the user to browse through the website and make use of the services made available: login, search process, electronic procedures, etc.

– Personalisation cookies
Purpose: Own and third party cookies that allow the user to access the service with predefined characteristics such as, for example, language, browser type, regional configuration, etc.

– Analysis cookies
Purpose: Used solely to quantify the number of users accessing this portal, facilitating the performance of statistical measurements and analyses that allow the website services to be improved. Aggregate data is processed without identifying users.

– Targeted/advertising cookies
Purpose: They allow the provision of services (google maps, youtube, etc.) and social networks (Facebook, etc.) by third parties. Efficient management of advertising spaces included on a website. These businesses can use them to create a profile of interests and display relevant advertisements elsewhere. They do not store personal information directly, but are based on the unique identification of the browser and device accessing the Internet.

Through the use of our cookies, no profiling or processing involving automated decisions with legal effects for the user or which would significantly affect the user in a similar way is carried out.

3) International data transfer
There are no international transfers of personal data.
Although the information extracted from analytical cookies is transferred outside the European Economic Area, there is no international transfer of personal data, since this information does not allow users to be identified, nor is it used to distinguish between users, nor is it used to track individual users.

4) Cookie retention period
Cookies will be kept for a minimum period of the browsing session and a maximum of 2 years, depending on the type of cookies according to the table above. Users may revoke their consent by means of the mechanisms described in the following section, deleting all or part of the cookies they consider appropriate.

5) How can cookies be managed in the browser?
Cookies are installed as long as the user authorizes them.
Cookies are only installed when the user ACCEPTS the use of cookies on the first access to the web portal through a small informative window, where you can configure the acceptance of cookies that are not essential for the operation of the website.
The user can at any time refuse or revoke consent to the use of cookies by clicking on the Settings Box or the options of his/her browser.
Instructions for managing cookies in the most common browsers can be found in the following links:

Google Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox.

Internet Explorer.



If you use other browsers or platforms, please consult the specific documentation provided by the browser developer.
If you block the use of cookies on your browser, it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website may not be available.

© Lloret Turisme - Lloret Futur S.A. - Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar. Av. Alegries, 3. · 17310 Lloret de Mar · Tel. + 34 972 365 788 ·
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