Miniclub Lloret & Miniclub Fenals

During the summer months, the beaches of Lloret and Fenals have a whole series of activities, all of them free of charge and without the need for prior reservation.

Miniclub Lloret, baby space and library beach: every day from June 11 to September 15 10:30 – 17:00

Miniclub Fenals: From July 1st to August 31st: every day from July 1st to August 31st 10:30 – 17:00


  • How to get there?

    Diga’ns des d’on vens i calcularem la teva ruta

    On es realitza?

How to get there?

Tell us where you come from and
we calculate your route

© Lloret Turisme - Lloret Futur S.A. - Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar. Av. Alegries, 3. · 17310 Lloret de Mar · Tel. + 34 972 365 788 ·
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