World Tourism Day Celebration 2024

In Lloret de Mar we are all celebrating World Tourism Day together with a series of proposals, put it on your agenda!

  • Open doors in all monuments:
    • Santa Clotilde Gardens
      10.00 – 14.00h (15.00h)
    • Museum of the Sea
      9.00 – 12.15h (13.00h)
      16.00 – 17.15h (18.00h)
    • Iberian settlement of Turó Rodó
      10.00 – 12.30h (13.00h)
      17.30 – 19.00h (19.30h)
    • Castle of Sant Joan
      10.00 – 12.30h (13.00h)
      17.30 – 19.00h (19.30h)
    • Can Saragossa (Archaeological Museum)
      10.00 – 12.30h (13.00h)
      17.30 – 19.00h (19.30h)
  • 19.00h – Swing Engine Street Sextet (Travelling Show in Sant Pere Street)
  • 22.00h – Wasa Corporation (Versions group, Plaça de la Vila)

26/09 –  Tourism night

  • Tourism Night Awards at 19.30h




  • How to get there?

    Diga’ns des d’on vens i calcularem la teva ruta

    On es realitza?

How to get there?

Tell us where you come from and
we calculate your route

© Lloret Turisme - Lloret Futur S.A. - Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar. Av. Alegries, 3. · 17310 Lloret de Mar · Tel. + 34 972 365 788 ·
lloret de mar