The Popular March at the Hermitages of Lloret, organized by Xino Xano, has arrived.
📅 Book next Sunday, March 30.
📍 Departure from Plaça de la Vila at 08:00.
We will do a route along the paths of yesterday, today and always.
A day for nature lovers.
At the end we will have a good breakfast on the beach together.
We look forward to your participation!
Carrer de la Vila, 1, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona, Espanya
Inscripció: El Puntet, El Puntet de Fenals i a
Preu d’inscripció: 6€ fins el 24/3/2022. 10€ el mateix dia.
Carrer de la Vila, 1, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona, Espanya
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