

– In case of emergency or accident, contact immediately 112. This service is free, but strictly destined for emergencies, never for the general information, weather forecast, or road conditions, etc.
– It is suitable to have the European Health Insurance Card, permitting the access to the general healthcare system within the European Community
– The regular schedule of pharmacies is from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm, and from 4.30 pm to 8 pm from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays there is a rotating guard schedule displayed on all the pharmacies, also available in the tourist offices.
– In Spain, the supply of drinking water is assured throughout the territory. Our country has developed a strict control system that guarantees the quality of water. However, in some Mediterranean areas the consumption of bottled water is very common.
– The voltage in Spain is 220 volts and 50 hertz of the alternating current. Adapters for special plugs are available in most hotels. Make sure that all your electrical devices work on the voltage.
The most common business hours are from Monday to Saturday from the 9.30 am to 1.30 pm and from 4.30 pm to 9 pm. In coastal areas, such as Lloret de Mar, shops can be opened until 11 p.m in summer. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 2 pm.

– Don’t swim far from the shore if you don’t have good swimming skills, be careful all the time and think about of your abilities.
– Make sure your digestion has finished before bathing. If you have eaten recently, or have stayed in the sun during long time, enter the sea little by little.
– Avoid getting far from the shore. If the stream drags you off, do not swim against. Swim along the beach: it will be easier, and once out of the stream, you will be able to get towards the shore. You can consult the condition of the beaches in the tourist offices and on the information boards that you will find along the beaches of Lloret.
– Avoid the prolonged sun exposure. Take precautions during using the sun cream, sunglasses, “umbrellas”, covering your head. Avoid staying in the sun between 2 pm – 6 pm (hours of the maximum solar radiation). You can consult the UV level in the tourist offices.
– Drink much water even if you are not thirsty to avoid dehydration.

– Pay attention to the strange behavior like pushes, people who stain or wet their clothes, women offering flowers, or others who ask if a large amount of money is yours. These are the typical tricks to confuse your attention.
– Make photocopies of the important documents and have a list of all the important phone numbers in case you lose your credit cards. It will be helpful you are a victim of a theft.
– Take with you only the money you need, and leave the valuable objects, that you are not going to use, in the safety box of your hotel.
– On the beach, always watch your children and personal objects.



© Lloret Turisme - Lloret Futur S.A. - Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar. Av. Alegries, 3. · 17310 Lloret de Mar · Tel. + 34 972 365 788 ·
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